26 Things I Learned About Norwegian People After Living in Norway

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I spent a bit over four years living in the wonderful country of Norway. One of the most difficult adjustments to living in Norway was getting used to Norwegian people – their habits, beliefs, and everyday lifestyle. This post details everything I learned about Norwegian women and men from my years living there. 

Things I Learned About Norwegian People After Living in Norway

After moving from Norway to other countries in Europe and Asia, I realized that Norwegians are actually some of the coolest people and most relatable people on the planet. Below I dish on what I learned about Norwegian people from my four years of living in Norway.

Some good, some bad, and some just random observations that stuck with me throughout the years. Please feel free to chime in and add a comment from what you think about or have learned about Norwegian women and men too!

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My mittens made me feel pretty Norwegian here

Norwegian People are (Mostly) Tolerant

The average Norwegian is pretty tolerant. Granted, the tolerance levels vary depending on where in the country you are, but for the most part, I found Norwegians to be accepting and tolerant of other people and their lifestyle choices.

You have exceptions everywhere, naturally, but if you lead a lifestyle that might not fit in in other countries, there is a good chance that you’ll find a higher level of acceptance in Norway.

Same-sex marriage laws were passed in 2009 and there is not a group of ignorant people trying to merge state and religion together by protesting a law that in no way affects them like in some other countries around the globe (ie: my own).

Religion in Norway

Speaking of religion… Norwegians are not religious. While most people belong to the Lutheran Church of Norway, it by no means indicates that they go to church or even believe in a higher power.

norwegians are not religious

It is estimated that only 3% of Norwegians go to church on a weekly basis. Interestingly enough, religion just isn’t an issue in Norway. No one really talks about it or judges you for your beliefs or lack thereof. I really liked that.

Norwegians are Conformed

One thing that completely blew my mind when I first arrived in Norway was how conformed Norwegian people were. I arrived at a time where everyone wore EXACTLY THE SAME THING. The Norwegian women even wore their hair the same way.

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Um… my friends and I definitely didn’t plan this. I caught the conformity disease.

I will never forget the ubiquitous sight of Converse sneakers or the atrocity that is a Canada Goose jacket donning just about every person in Norway. Conformity still rules in Norway, but much less than when I first arrived in the country.

Norwegian mens curling team pants
Even the men’s curling team conforms (because I’m sure they had a choice)   |   By Tracy Bains – originally posted to Flickr as IMG_2462, CC BY 2.0

Norwegians (Probably) Speak English Better Than I Do

I am not sure if this is a compliment to them or an insult to me… but dang… their English skills are stellar. Norway, along with the other Scandinavian countries, ranks as the top English-speaking countries in the world that are not native-English speaking places.

There is a very light accent that comes out with most Scandinavians but it is never hard to decipher. But, you will likely meet those people who speak so freakishly well that they will sound completely American to you.

Norway does not dub films or television for people over like the age of six or seven. Children’s shows are dubbed, but Norwegian adults always watch shows in their original language. And their English skills are much, much better because of that.

There is nothing like moving to a new city alone … and being able to instantly communicate with the locals.

I wonder if Norwegian seals speak good English too?

While Norwegians speak exceptional English, it is still wise to learn a bit of their language if you’re looking to move or travel there.

They will likely switch over to English once realizing you’re not fluent in Norwegian, but they will definitely appreciate the effort.

Don’t be offended when they switch to English… they genuinely love speaking it and are happy to converse with you if they make that switch.

Work-Life Balance in Norway is Superb

After living in both the US and Germany, I can say that Norway really gets it right when it comes to work-life balance. Your kid is sick? Stay at home with them. Need a mental health day?

Take the day off and recuperate. Need to make an appointment with the bank and the hours are unsuitable to your work hours? Take a break from work and head to the bank.

‘Norwegians work to live and Americans live to work’. Never has a phrase had so much truth. And, as a result, working with Norwegians was a very pleasant experience for me overall.

I’d shun all work if I lived here.

The People of Norway Don’t Complain

Trust me, they will tell you that they do. But after living in the United States and later moving to the complainer capital of the world, Germany, I can officially confirm that Norwegians just don’t really complain. I worked in a cafe for a while and getting a complaint was a rare event.

Maybe I just made awesome coffee but I don’t think that was the case. I think the people just complain when it is absolutely vital and keep their mouths shut when it is not.

things to know about norwegian people

I walk down the street in Germany and I have multiple people yelling at me telling me I won’t pick up my dog’s poop if he goes despite having a bag in my hand.

Anything to make someone’s day a little more stressful and worse. I long for that Norwegian mentality again.

Norwegian Humor is Dry and Infectious

It took me a while to get it. In fact, for years I thought Norwegians were dull and just couldn’t crack a joke. I later realized that their jokes were far above my dumbed-down, slapstick usuals that I was hearing and were actually pretty dang funny.

Norwegian people aren’t PC (politically correct) and have no problem poking fun at themselves and their lifestyle or traditions. Just don’t tell them the Swedes are better. Ever.

Making Friends in Norway is Hard

Okay, so it wasn’t hard for me. I had a blog and I’m really outgoing, so I was already at an advantage over others. But many people tell me it is a very difficult thing for them to make Norwegian friends after moving to Norway.

I find that Norwegians don’t really make small talk unless provoked and they often don’t move too far from where they grew up.

Because they stick to the same area, even though they will state they moved ‘far away’ with that distance of 45 miles in between their new home and their parents’ home, they keep the same friends a lot of times. I am not really friends with people I grew up with.

Almost every Norwegian I met had some of the same friends since they were in grade school. When you’re around the same people for so long, I imagine it is difficult to bring someone new into your group with ease.

On the other hand… Norwegians WILL talk to you… when drunk. You’d be surprised at how many friendships came out of nights at the bar for me. New friends and empty wallets.

Drinking in Norway

Norwegians like to drink. But, alcohol in Norway is expensive, adding to its appeal. Norwegian men and women may not go out for a chilled out Happy Hour on a Tuesday night like Americans, but they will go out… and then some… on a Saturday night.

I have never seen the levels of intoxication on the streets that I witnessed living in Norway. I remember walking to work one Sunday morning and counting seven piles of vomit on one block alone.

mack ol beer polar bear
Mack Øl has a polar bear beer

Spoiler alert: I take back the ‘I have never seen the levels of intoxication on the streets that I witnessed in Norway’. I have since been to Blackpool, England. No words.

Norwegians are Altruistic

Becoming friends with a Norwegian is no easy feat for a lot of folks. However, once you have a Norwegian friend, you have one of the most loyal and sincere people in your life. This is obviously a generalization, but I have found it is pretty accurate.

I have also found Norwegians to be very inclusive to foreigners or expats on their holidays. They love celebrating with new people and including you as a genuine part of their special days (Christmas, 17.mai, birthday celebrations, etc).

Norwegian people are loyal and can be a great friend

Norwegians Don’t All have Blonde Hair

In fact, Norway is more diverse than many people realize until they arrive there. Oslo, especially, is rather diverse in its inhabitants and you can find people from all ethnicities, nationalities, and backgrounds calling the city home.

I had friends from Somalia, Kenya, Colombia, Argentina, the US, China, and beyond. Obviously, it is less diverse in smaller towns and villages, but isn’t that the case everywhere?

Norway is fairly diverse. This was a turban festival I went to in Oslo.

Norwegians are Musical Geniuses

I don’t know what is in the water up there (besides being really freaking good), but Norway seems to breed some insanely talented artists. They may not all gain recognition on the bigger stage like artists from other places, but it doesn’t mean they don’t have the talent.

Some of my favorite, underrated musicians from Norway are Anna of the North, Maya Vik, and an oldie but goodie- Royksopp.

maya vik- norwegian women musician
Maya Vik   |   By Oyvindhb – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0

Norwegians Buy Homes/Flats When Young

Many Norwegians really believe that renting a place is bad and you should purchase one as it is a better investment.

While I totally get this logic, I still can’t wrap my head around how young many of them do this. I can’t even commit to what I’m going to eat for lunch and there are 22-year-old Norwegians buying flats. Where did I go wrong?

I guess that the value you place on a home or owning a home may just vary with what I find prevalent in the US. In the US, buying a home or flat is something that you do because it is the next step.

Many Norwegians I know genuinely want their own place and will actively save up for the deposit at really young ages. And when they build or buy a place, they invest a lot into turning it into what they want.

Bathrooms are Superior

I don’t know what it is, but Norwegian bathrooms are just better than everywhere else in the world. Norwegian people spend so much time, money, and energy on building the perfect (almost always white) bathroom.

With heated floors and beautiful, minimalistic tiles on the walls, the bathroom is often the most stunning room in a Norwegian home. It still fascinates me (in a good way). I think most Norwegians would cry if they saw my bathroom in Germany.

norwegian bathrooms
Can I please move into your bathroom?

Learn to Ski in Norway

Norwegians often joke that they are born with skis on their feet. Well, this is probably true. Maybe it’s a birth defect. Or maybe it is an evil plot against the rest of the world every four years when the Winter Olympics take place. They are good at most forms of skiing, but especially cross-country skiing.

I have noticed Americans play sports because we are competitive and just like winning. Many Norwegian people love skiing for the sport, but most do it for fun.

Not so that they can be number one or anything like that… they just genuinely like rocking around the trails on a pair of skis with little obligation.

norwegian women and men are great skiers

I lived in Norway for four years and never put a pair of skis on. Not that I didn’t want to… but the competitive American in me didn’t want to suck at something when everyone else around me was good at it.

I think that sentence speaks wonders when it comes to cultural differences.

Nature Therapy is a Real Thing

…and Norwegians love it. And I love Norwegians for their desire to keep their nature clean and pure.

Norway was blessed with some of the most beautiful nature on the planet and Norwegians know this and take advantage of it on a regular basis.

I have lived in Kazakhstan and I found it astonishing how few Kazakhs took advantage of the easy-to-access nature in and around Almaty.

26 Things I miss about Norwegian people from living in Norway

Norwegians are the complete opposite. You can always find them hiking, active, and playing around in the forests. It was one of my favorite things about living there.

While they often travel south for the sun, if you run into them as tourists in their own country, they are almost always doing something active or exciting. You can find them hiking, whale watching, dog sledding, and more.

The Norwegian lifestyle can be a bit too relaxed for me at times… but then I realized I lived in the most picturesque place on the planet and I was bored no more.

Norwegians are Blog-Obsessed

This is a phenomenon that I never understood. I always thought Americans were bad for being obsessed with the daily lives of others and then I moved to Norway.

Things have changed a bit, but Norwegians are still obsessed with bloggers and getting the nitty-gritty into the everyday lives of other Norwegians.

Lifestyle bloggers in many countries will post when they have something to say. Not Norwegian bloggers. They will post multiple times a day and you will know what their entire home looks like and when their dog last pooped.

I used to read a lot of these blogs because it helped me learn Norwegian quickly and I literally could tell you everything about the popular bloggers from their birthdays to what they had for breakfast that morning. And this was all before Instagram came about.

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Norwegians Travel… Just Not in Norway

Most of my Norwegian friends will tell me I am more traveled in their homeland than they are. Granted, I did a lot of my Norway travel actually AFTER I left Norway, but it was true.

The reason most Norwegians shun traveling their own country? Well, it doesn’t exactly offer sunshine in the winter and it is cold.

Not to mention that Norway is super expensive. If the south of Spain was available over Molde, Norway for a winter trip, where would you pick? With that being said, you will run into Norwegians all over the world if you travel. They will usually be the gorgeous ones… taking advantage of cheap alcohol.

They are Pretty Good with Money

Taking myself and my inability to budget or save for things out of the equation, Norwegians are masterminds at saving. If they want something, they will save up for it and buy it. It could be a house or even just a new pair of shoes. It is really impressive.

I definitely don’t see many people just nonchalantly throwing things on the credit card to the same level Americans do. But then again, banking in Norway is brilliant and easy.

Maybe I’d be encouraged to save and be better with money, too. Just kidding. I banked with two big banks in Norway for my entire time living there and I’m still crap with money.

I am bad with money, therefore, I am not very Norwegian.

Norwegians Have Basic Skills that Americans Lack

When I first moved to Norway, my jaw dropped when I found out school didn’t start as young as it did in the US. How dare children have the opportunity to be children?!

But seriously, I didn’t understand what Norwegian children did until age seven or whenever school started. I quickly learned that Barnehage (daycare or preschool) was a bit different than in the US.

Norwegians learned social skills and basic skills that we just don’t learn in the US. Norwegians can tell you which berries are poisonous.

I eventually learned my berry survival skills.

Norwegians can tell you how to put clean water into a water jug from a stream (don’t laugh… this was actually a challenge for me).

They just understood regular things and had the basic skills that I severely lacked. Hell, I didn’t even know how to boil an egg until adulthood.

My new skills came in handy when I would take day trips from Bergen to remote places and could live off the land a bit for the day!

Norwegians Cook at Home A lot

My first experience eating out in Norway was Peppe’s Pizza. As tragic as its taste was, I wasn’t stopped in my tracks at that. I was at a standstill when I received my bill for my $40 pizza. Yep.

The currency when I moved to Norway was the most expensive in history. It has since changed and that same pizza may only run you $25, but that is still a lot for a pizza you should be paid to eat based on taste.

Ain’t nothin’ tastier than a bland, boiled potato.

Because eating out is expensive in Norway, Norwegians cook at home. It seems like such a simple thing, but it was a massive adjustment for me when I moved to Norway.

I was used to the mindset that it was cheaper to eat out as a single person in the US than it was to cook. But, not in Norway.

I found a new love for cooking in Norway and it was refreshing. It also allowed me to be creative as I hunted for affordable food at the store and found ways to incorporate my favorite foods with local produce and ingredients. I still love cooking and I have Norway to thank.

Norwegian People Love the Sun

I guess this stands for most people around the world. But, Norwegians take it to another level. You haven’t seen the potential of a park or one-time grill (so bad for the environment, Norwegians) until you have seen Bergen on that rare, sunny day.

This is why Norwegians love the sun

Norwegians flock to parks when the sun is out. And when the sun isn’t out? They flock to ‘syden’… or the ‘south’. Chartered, packaged trips to Spain, Greece, and Turkey are common and most Norwegians have taken one of these aforementioned trips.

Norway is a Family-Oriented Society

Every day I worked at the cafe in Norway, I cursed children. The food-throwing, screaming monsters made my days long and hellish on many occasions. ‘Why did mothers come here with their kids?’ I often asked myself.

‘Oh right, because mothers actually get time off to take care of their children in this country’. Norwegians are conditioned to put families and children first. And it doesn’t just stand with the person’s direct family… they think this way about others, too.

While children frustrated me to a new level at the cafe, not a single Norwegian seemed to be bothered by it. The society realizes that children are children and they are the future of the place.

Mothers AND fathers both get a lot of time off to attend to their children, particularly after childbirth, and they even receive a stipend from the government (that they have paid into) to help them get set up for their new family member when pregnant.

The way society views the importance of families and children is remarkable. On the other hand, I don’t think the same care and concern is given to the elders in society.

Are Norwegians Really Happy?

Norway has a high suicide rate, particularly in winter. So, are Norwegians happy? Are they not happy? To be honest, I always found this ‘happiness index’ to be a bit sensationalized. I think it should be called ‘stress index’ before ‘happiness index’.

If a Norwegian loses his or her job, they can feel comfort in knowing that these things happen and they have paid into a great system that will help them out until they get back on their feet.

They receive a fair amount of holidays annually and are encouraged to take them all… unlike us Americans who refuse to take them all (really, people?!?!)

I rarely met Norwegians who endured the same amount of stress that I had seen many of my American friends go through, including myself. So, I’m not going to go into too much detail about that… but my opinion is as mentioned.

Gender Equality is High

…but not perfect. However, Norway definitely is one of the better places to live in the world for gender equality. Men and women split roles in the home and women are often in high jobs in society- government, corporate, and anywhere else.

While I think gender equality in Norway is really good, it naturally still has strides to make. Norwegian people are vocal and opinionated when it comes to issues, so I know they are actively participating in the fight for equality.

Norwegian Fashion is Minimalistic, Yet Hip

True- Norwegians are conformed. But, the fashion in Norway is so cool, minimalistic, and not overly trendy. Locals, especially Norwegian women, look so effortlessly cool at all times and it was hard to not adopt some of that to your own style.

I really grew to love Norwegian and Scandinavian designers when living in Norway and still wear their minimalistic pieces even today.

In conclusion, Norwegian people actually made my years in Norway pretty pleasant and enjoyable.  Their personality traits are easy to understand (usually) and the people make the country a wonderful place to visit and live in.

Are there any things you’re curious to know about Norwegian people? Let us know in the comments!

88 thoughts on “26 Things I Learned About Norwegian People After Living in Norway

  1. Kelli Nørgaard says:

    You did a good job capturing your impressions and several of them are very similar to mine in the first year or two here.
    Because Norwegians and Danes and Swedes are all part of that Scandinavian brotherhood that gets them such a bad rep for being rude and cold.
    But I have learned in my time here in DK that they truly believe that our forwardness (and what we call hospitality as Americans) is rude. They think they are being polite by keeping that space between you because it respects your personal space…kind of like NOT sitting in the empty seat next to you on the train. Instead they go to the back and find one NOT next to someone…
    But once you are “IN” the fold, YOU ARE IN. Trust me..it comes! So hang in there and keep breaking through that shell of theirs one chunk at a time. :-)

  2. elisejb says:

    Love this post! Your ovservations are good, and interesting. And I totally agree with the overdone bleach hair thing, and not to mention the drinking. It’s bad, lol. And it’s too bad with the language situation. I really hope you’ll get comfortable here in Norway :D

  3. followyouheart says:

    totally. totally. totally agree with this post. i think these points cross over into the Swedish culture as well (especially the conforming thing). it’s definitely looked down upon over here if you don’t look like the A-typical Swede/Scandinvian and oh yeah- those Converse All-Stars are a STAPLE in everyone’s wardrobe here too. My dad was fascinated by how many he saw! lol

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