Category Archives: USA

15 Best Things to Do in Lake Tahoe in Winter (+ Seasonal Tips)

Emerald Bay in winter

There are so many cool places to visit during winter on the West Coast but one of the most beautiful is definitely Lake Tahoe. This is a guide about all the great things to do in Lake Tahoe in winter. While skiing in Lake Tahoe is one of the most famous things to do there, […]

Should You Visit Death Valley in Winter? (+ Tips if You Do!)

Death Valley in winter

Visiting in summer is practically a ‘no-go,’ but should you visit Death Valley in winter?  This guide spills all the details and tells you exactly what to do during winter in Death Valley if you plan a trip there! Death Valley, California. The thought of the place makes me shudder as a person who hates […]

15 Best National Parks to Visit in February (+ Seasonal Tips)

Crater Lake in winter

If you are seeking the best national parks to visit in February, this is your guide! This guide uncovers fifteen of the best US national parks to visit in February, why you should visit them, and what to expect during the winter season. While most US National Parks flourish during the summer and should months, […]

Kayaking and Canoeing in Illinois: Rivers, Rentals, & Rules

Mississippi River

If you enjoy paddling your way through scenic areas on beautiful calm waters, you’ll love canoeing in Illinois. The state has several rivers and lakes that stretch miles, including the Great Lake, so there’s a lot to explore. These rivers all have different trips with other activities to be experienced on these bodies of water. […]

12 Diverse and Beautiful Things to Do in Whitefish, Montana

Middle Fork Flathead River in Glacier National Park

If you’re venturing to Whitefish, Montana for vacation, good choice! This is a guide to the best things to do in Whitefish, Montana – from skiing to flyboarding and beyond! Whitefish may not be at the top of one’s Montana bucket list if they aren’t looking for a skiing vacation or trip to Glacier National […]